The Timeless Elegance of Parquet Flooring

The word “parquet” originates from the French word “parchet,” which means “a small enclosed space.” This style of flooring became incredibly popular in 17th-century France, with the use of small wooden blocks arranged in intricate patterns. The art of parquet flooring has evolved to include many different styles, patterns, and wood finishes, making it a popular choice for homeowners and even in commercial settings. In this blog, we will explore the timeless elegance of parquet flooring and why it’s a fantastic choice for any home.

Durability: Parquet flooring is made up of small, sturdy wooden blocks that are designed to handle the foot traffic of a busy home. The construction of this flooring means it’s incredibly durable and resistant to scratches and wear. It can even stand up to high moisture levels, making it suitable for kitchens and bathrooms.

Design and Versatility: One of the most significant advantages of parquet flooring is its versatility when it comes to design. Parquet patterns can include herringbone, chevron, basket weave, and many more, and can be created with various types of wood. This, therefore, implies that there’s a style of parquet flooring to fit every interior design preference.

Timeless Elegance: Parquet flooring adds a level of elegance and sophistication to any home. The intricate patterns created by the placement of the wooden blocks capture a timeless feel that can add a sense of history and traditional values to any home. The result is flooring that never goes out of style, making it a lifelong investment.

Easy Maintenance: Due to the durability of the wood used in making parquet, the flooring is straightforward to maintain. All that’s required is regular cleaning with a broom and damp cloth.  It is best advised not to wet the cloth too much when cleaning the parquet flooring and always remember to clean spills immediately to avoid staining.

Increased Home Value: Lastly, parquet flooring is an excellent investment. It adds value to your home, making it appealing to potential buyers in the event you decide to put your property up for sale. The beauty and durability of parquet flooring make it an investment that can last a lifetime and add so much appeal to your home.


Parquet flooring remains a popular choice for homeowners, with its timeless elegance and durability, being the two most significant advantages. It also offers versatility in design and is easy to maintain, making it a practical choice for busy homeowners. If you are considering upgrading the flooring of your home, you can never go wrong with parquet flooring. The artistry and skill required to create this type of flooring are unmatched, and the result is a lifelong investment that can add so much value to your home.

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